The weather is warm and the clothes are smaller and more scarce. You’ve been preparing for “Hot Girl Summer” for months now by staying active, eating healthy, and just overall trying to be more mindful in your decisions. But now, with summer upon us, it’s vacations, nights out, sleeping in, and getting together with friends and family. Especially after almost a year and a half of lockdown, it’s easy to really let loose and have a ton of fun, after all, we’ve been cooped up watching Netflix in between Zoom meetings. But, as the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be bad for you. So, with that in mind, it’s important to keep as close to your healthy routines as possible. Here are some tips on how to do just that.
Pack Proactively
When your beach trip or vacation nears, you’re daydreaming about laying in the sun all day, curating that perfect glow. You’re probably also looking forward to all the margaritas and wine you’ll be enjoying with your travel companion. But, once you get there, you may realize you’re yearning for your routine a little bit. Set a goal of trying to wake up early at least a couple of days of your vacation to go on a brisk walk or a light jog. If you’re traveling to the ocean, there’s nothing like catching a gorgeous sunrise while getting some exercise in. So, make sure you pack your favorite women’s activewear just in case the exercise bug bites while you’re away. And, speaking of packing proactively, make sure you’re packing a good SPF (with a minimum of at least 30) and taking care of your skin while you’re out there exercising.
Proper Hydration
We all are guilty of overindulgence when we’re using our vacation days – staying up later than we normally would, which means sleeping in. We may be enjoying beers and wine by the pool, lake, or beach. And, let’s be honest, we’re probably not eating our typical diet. So, even though year-round it’s important to drink your eight glasses of water a day; it’s even more so important during the summertime. There are several reasons for this – one, you’re likely to be more active this time of year or at the minimum, you’re outside more. Simply spending time in the sun under its UV rays means you need to be drinking more water than you typically would. Also, if you’re like most of us, your diet isn’t as strict as it would typically be, so upping your water intake will help flush out some of the overly processed ingredients of the things you’re eating. It’s helpful to have a large water jug (think gallon size) to know you need to drink one or two of a day. That way you can hit your goal easily without wondering where you’re at as far as hydration for the day.
Mindfulness Matters
It’s easy to get swept away in the fun and the sun, but it also feels good to stick to our mindfulness routines. Take time each morning to stretch your body and center yourself. Whether you do meditation and breathwork every day or are interested in starting, being aware of where your mental and physical health stands are important. When you’re feeling your best physically and in control of your thoughts, it’s easy to keep stress at bay and in turn makes it easier for you to enjoy the time you’re spending with others vacationing or just visiting at home. When you’re practicing mindfulness, staying in the moment and not worrying about everyday stressors comes more naturally. So, curate a routine around taking care of your mental and emotional health. There are plenty of apps (mainly free) that can help you get started down this path if it’s new to you.
Sleep Schedules
One last thing – don’t lose track of your sleep schedule! Sleep is a great regulator and restorer. Make sure you’re getting at least eight hours of sleep a night and heck, maybe even some cat naps in during the day – after all, it’s summertime! Enjoy your hammock or porch swing to its full potential and catch all the z’s you can. If you’re having trouble falling asleep easily, try and curate a simple nighttime routine. Ditch the screen time at least an hour before bed, drink some chamomile tea and pamper your skin.
So, while summer is a great time to catch up with friends and family, get a little travel in and really enjoy everything the season has to offer – it’s important to remember that our routines give us balance and a sense of control over our day today. Make sure you honor those routines as much as you can to stay in tip-top physical, mental and emotional shape.